Starting and Maintaining Healthy Resolutions Throughout the Year
By Public Relations Specialist Christine Adams

Exercise facilities and classes are open to all customer-owners upon scheduling an appointment with a Southcentral Foundation exercise physiologist.
With the summer equinox nearing, now is a great time to pause and check in on your health and wellness New Year’s resolutions. While resolutions vary, most have the same goal — to become the best version of yourself possible. Whether you set big goals on Jan. 1, or you are planning to set a mid-year resolution, Southcentral Foundation exercise physiologists, behavioral health consultants, dietitians, and others are ready to partner with you.
When it comes to resolutions, “Think about your values and why making a change is important to you,” SCF Senior Behavioral Health Consultant Desiree Compton said. “Focus on those values in order to accept that change is often uncomfortable, and consider past times when you were able to do something hard because it mattered to you.”
Finding manageable exercises and activities you enjoy may increase the likelihood of maintaining consistent and sustainable changes. Trying to make too many changes too quickly may cause a loss of interest or burnout.
“Remember it takes time for habits to stick, and do not hold yourself to unrealistic expectations,” Compton shared. “Start with small, realistic goals, and celebrate small gains along the way.”
Customer-owners can meet with behavioral health consultants or exercise physiologists in Anchorage and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, without needing referrals.
“If you are not sure what to do or where to start your exercise program, please come see an exercise physiologist. We are here to help with setting realistic goals, start a personalized exercise routine, and learn how to exercise safely and effectively,” SCF Exercise Physiologist Jeff Layton advises. “It is perfectly normal to be anxious or nervous to go to the gym for the first time, or if it has been a long time since you have gone. The hardest part of going to the gym is stepping through the front door.”
Healthy changes can also start in your kitchen, and SCF dietitians can assist you in achieving your goals. Dietitians assist with a variety of nutrition-related needs such as diabetes, integrative and functional nutrition, enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, and intuitive eating. They take into consideration your dietary needs and traditional values and develop a plan with you for the most successful, long-term results.
“Focus on what you can add to your diet instead of what you need to remove. For example, add fruits and vegetables to your diet for a goal of five servings a day, or start with two and work your way up,” SCF Registered Dietitian Raina Pasiewicz said. “And remember canned or frozen fruits and vegetables have just as much nutrition as fresh produce — sometimes even more because the nutrients are preserved!”
Whether you are continuing your New Year’s resolutions or planning changes, SCF is here to support you on your wellness journey. All customer-owners can connect with their primary care teams to speak with registered dietitians or behavioral health consultants. They can also call Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Exercise in Anchorage at 907-729-2689 to access the gym, or the Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Wellness Center in Wasilla at (907) 631-7630.
Learn more about programs and services by visiting here.