Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center
Wellness Center

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Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Wellness Center in Wasilla consists of physical therapists, exercise technicians, acupuncturist, chiropractors, massage therapists, health educators, program coordinators, administrative support personnel, and a management team. The Wellness Center partners with customer-owners, family members, primary care providers, and community organizations to offer services and programs to support healthy lifestyle choices.

Services offered by VNPCC Wellness Center include group learning circles, special health events, individualized health coaching, cooking classes, and educational events. The team also creates health-related campaigns and hosts regular public activities at VNPCC. Federal, state, and private health-related grants allow VNPCC employees to travel to rural villages served by Southcentral Foundation to conduct local health events. VNPCC Wellness Center works closely with community partners: Knik Tribal Council, Chickaloon Traditional Village Council, migrant education, and the Sutton Elders Group.

VNPCC Wellness Center focuses on:

Although gynecological cancers can be uncomfortable to discuss, VNPCC Wellness Center is committed to raising awareness and removing the stigma associated with discussing gynecological cancer. Let’s open the lines of communication and get comfortable discussing ovarian, cervical, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar cancer.

Click here to explore Big 5 and Thrive activities, events, and resources.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States after skin cancer. When breast cancer is detected early, there is a greater chance of successful treatment.

It is recommended that Alaska Native and American Indian women begin routine breast cancer screenings at age 40 or earlier depending on family history. It is encouraged that customer-owners discuss when to begin screening, screening frequency, and screening methods with their provider.

To learn more about breast cancer, click here or contact your primary care provider to schedule your breast cancer screening.

Learn more about colorectal cancer by clicking here.

Discover ways to manage your diabetes, prevent complications, and enjoy a healthy life. The diabetes education program features classes facilitated by an integrated care team including a nurse practitioner, registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, pharmacist, medical doctor, behavioral health consultant, health educator, audiologist, optometrist, and a dental health aide therapist.

Diabetes Self-Management Education Class (90 minutes) 

VNPCC offers a Diabetes Education Program to help customer-owners manage and prevent complications and enjoy a healthy life. Personalized diabetes management can help set and track health goals, incorporate diabetes care into daily life, and offer support when needed. Topics include monitoring blood sugar levels, nutrition, physical activity, medication, and goal setting. The Diabetes education program is facilitated by an integrated care team including a primary care provider, registered dietitian, behavioral health specialist, exercise physiologist, and pharmacist. Contact your primary team directly or call the VNPCC Wellness Center at 907-631-7630 to register.

Diabetes Support Class

Share your story in a positive setting, learn additional ways to manage your diabetes, prevent complications, and receive ongoing support from peers and guest speakers. Class dates, times, and topics vary. Registration is required.

To register, connect with your primary care provider or call the VNPCC Wellness Center at 907)-631-7630.

Please click here to view upcoming classes.

Healthy Cooking on a Budget is a nutrition and culinary skills learning event to encourage having family meals together at least five times a week. Offered on the first Monday of the month, healthy cooking on a budget features cooking tips, tasty samples, how to shop healthy on a budget, quick and easy family meals, getting kids involved with meal prep, and increasing family communication. To register, call 907-631-7630.

This program features food tastings, demonstrations, and nutrition information in the VNPCC lobby each week on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to noon.

This program is a 12-month program that focuses on healthy behavior change. The goal of the Diabetes Prevention Program is to prevent Type 2 diabetes by establishing healthy habits and routines. Health educators, registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, and behavioral health consultants work together to facilitate the evidence-based curriculum. The facilitators support customer-owners by addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of living a healthy lifestyle while honoring their unique journey. Customer-owners can join the Diabetes Prevention Program any month. Sign up or request more information by emailing or calling 907-631-7630.

Click here to view upcoming classes.

Choosing to quit tobacco is one of the best choices you can make for your health. While it is not an easy thing to do, many people have quit through the VNPCC Quit Tobacco Program. The program is free of charge to customer-owners and offers one-on-one consultation and coaching with a tobacco treatment specialist.
Tobacco treatment specialists share the skills you need to quit tobacco for life and provide the tools and resources to help you be successful, including access to nicotine replacement therapy, other quit aids, and acupuncture services. If you have any questions about quitting, talk to your primary care provider or contact the VNPCC Wellness Center at 907-315-7630.

Click here to learn more.

Join this weekly learning circle for toddlers, parents, or caregivers featuring fun and educational activities such as singing, dancing, and crafts. Refreshments will be served.

Registration is required. To register, call the VNPCC Wellness Center at 907-631-7630.

VNPCC Wellness Center offers a monthly wellness activities calendar featuring all activities, classes, and special events.

For more information on VNPCC Wellness Center activities and programs or specific schedules, call 907-631-7630. We look forward to walking with you on your wellness journey

Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Cafe

Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Cafe is conveniently located in the main lobby of the VNPCC. The cafe currently serves espresso, caffeine-free beverages, and a healthy variety of snacks and soup. The cafe is open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

For more information, please contact the VNPCC Wellness Center at 907-631-7630.

Contact Us

Benteh Nuutah
Valley Native Primary Care Center
Wellness Center

1001 S. Knik-Goose Bay Road
Wasilla, AK 99654



7 a.m.-6 p.m.

Calendar of Events

VNPCC Facebook Page
Pinterest Page
Wellness Newlsetter