Lactation Consultants Support Healthy Mothers and Babies

Southcentral Foundation understands all breastfeeding journeys are different.
By Public Relations Specialist Shamika Andrew
Although breastfeeding is natural, it may not always come naturally. Research suggests parents experience more success and less frustration when offered extra lactation support while establishing a breastfeeding routine.
Breast milk is uniquely created to fit the baby’s nutritional needs while delivering stem cells, hormones, antibodies, and probiotics to help strengthen its immune system. Studies have shown that breastfeeding may decrease children’s risk of developing respiratory illnesses, ear infections, asthma, obesity, Type 1 diabetes, and may significantly lower the rate of sudden infant death syndrome. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breastfeeding may also lower the lactating parent’s risk of developing high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month and Southcentral Foundation would like to remind families about resources available to support customer-owners. SCF currently offers:
Online pregnancy and birthing classes.
Virtual or in-person appointments with the Lactation Infant Feeding Consultant Team.
The Lactation Hotline, (907) 729-5420, for help with breastfeeding related concerns.
Partnering with a lactation consultant can make your feeding journey easier, more enjoyable, and pain-free. Every baby is different, so even if it’s not a customer-owner’s first time, navigating each breastfeeding journey may come with new questions or concerns. Additionally, families who choose not to or are unable to breastfeed will still benefit from meeting with a lactation consultant to learn safe bottle-feeding techniques and how to dry up their milk supplies.
SCF’s certified lactation consultants are specifically trained to focus on the needs of the lactating parent and baby to prevent, recognize, and solve feeding difficulties. Contact the lactation team for help with:
- General breastfeeding and bottle-feeding education
- Proper latching and holding techniques
- Addressing concerns about milk supply
- Questions on engorgement, plugged milk ducts, or weaning
- Identifying causes of pain while breastfeeding
- Identifying cues and signs of stress while feeding
- Education about pumping
- Support for breastfeeding while employed outside of the home
Southcentral Foundation understands all breastfeeding journeys are different and strives to provide resources to keep mothers and babies healthy. For more information, call (907) 729-5420.