Enhancing Elder Well-Being: A Year of Growth and Mobility
By Public Relations Specialist Stephanie Smith
In 2023, Southcentral Foundation Elder Program achieved a milestone — the return to its pre-COVID functionality. The Elder Program plays a key role in supporting Elder customer-owners who live independently. As activities and services increased, so did the need for transportation.
The Elder Program serves 80-90 customer-owners daily with transportation coordination. Routes run to and from the Elder Program, a place where customer-owners gather, have lunch, and participate in a variety of activities offered each week. The current weekly activities include Culture and Traditions — a time designated for Elders to work on sewing, beading, or other art projects — bingo, health education and exercise classes, live music provided by a Yupik drum group or local band, and time with Family Health Resources where application assistance is provided for third-party health insurances or other support programs. While most activities are social in nature, essential routine services offered, such as grocery shopping trips, support self-sufficiency.
Elder Program drivers manage a full transportation schedule Monday through Friday. “If a driver is not available, other Elder Program employees are certified to drive and step-in, including myself,” Elder Program Supervisor Sabrina Tocktoo shared. “Making sure all routes are covered is a main priority. The Elder Program is a success in large part due to the shuttle services. I have observed Elders cannot be at [the Elder Program] as often as they like to be if they have to rely on other means of transportation.”
In addition, to support health and wellness, transportation is offered for Elders from their homes to medical appointments in Anchorage. Recently, this services was enhanced with a new medical van, the sixth vehicle in the fleet. The van has the capacity to hold two wheelchairs, ensuring Elders can safely navigate to their appointments.
Accessible and adequate mobility is not just a convenience — it is the foundation of maintaining independence so Elders may uphold their ties within the community.
For more information about transportation services offered at the Elder Program or within the community, contact the Elder Program at907-729-6500.