Traumatic brain injury is usually caused by a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. While mild injuries may only cause temporary symptoms, a serious TBI can result in bruising, bleeding, torn tissue, and other physical damage to the brain.

Knowing your blood pressure numbers helps to ensure you are staying in a healthy range. Long-term elevated blood pressures can lead to damage of your blood vessels and organs, and can even contribute to stroke or heart attack. When you share your blood pressure numbers with your health care team, you partner with them to drive your wellness journey.

The population of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough has exploded in the past 10 years – growing over 20 percent in the last decade. With that growth came the need for health care improvements, modifications, and additional avenues of care for Alaska Native and American Indian people in the region.

Folate is a vitamin essential for pregnant mothers and women who may become pregnant as it has a critical role in fetal development. It can be found in foods rich in folate or folic acid, and as a supplement.

The first bridging ceremony for Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Outpatient Treatment Center participants was held this summer. Individuals who completed the program are invited to gather to acknowledge their journeys. A bridging ceremony honors the transition from being in treatment to living in recovery.

I am a combat veteran and Tlingit from Southeast Alaska. In 2006, I deployed for 15 months in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I was a part of a group of soldiers who came to a hardened place, yet we became a unit, a family – comrades.

The first bridging ceremony for Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Outpatient Treatment Center participants was held this summer. Individuals who completed the program are invited to gather to acknowledge their journeys. A bridging ceremony honors the transition from being in treatment to living in recovery.

It’s been over two years since the first cases of COVID-19 were detected in the United States. Since then, much has been learned about the virus and countless lives have been saved and communities protected due to vaccination.

As termination dust creeps down the mountains, the sun dips lower on the horizon, and the air is taking on a chill. With these signals that winter is approaching, it’s important to consider the safety precautions you take in your daily life and recreational activities.

As we settle into the stillness of winter with a soft blanket of snow covering the ground, it’s natural to feel more removed from things you may enjoy. But coinciding with the loss of daylight, feeling down may be a sign of seasonal affective disorder.