Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Holds First Bridging Ceremony
The first bridging ceremony for Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Outpatient Treatment Center participants was held this summer.
Individuals who completed the program are invited to gather to acknowledge their journeys. A bridging ceremony honors the transition from being in treatment to living in recovery. This event was previously called graduation, but that has evolved. We acknowledge that graduation from addiction doesn’t exist, and recovery is a lifelong commitment.
”This program philosophy has centered around your goals and your path to creating a healthy, happy life full of joy, connection, meaning, and purpose,” Southcentral Foundation Clinical Supervisor Rachel Franzen shared.
The bridging ceremony is a time to celebrate the completion of crossing a bridge in life, a treatment program. A bridge symbolizes continued availability and acknowledges at some point a person may need to walk back across and return to treatment for additional support and skill-building.

Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Outpatient Treatment Center held its first bridging ceremony.
Each bridging ceremony includes a speech by the participant, and opportunities for employees, friends, and family to speak as well.
“The best piece of advice I can give to you is advice I learned from a past customer-owner. The advice is that you should never allow yourself to be labeled by anyone else. You are more than your recovery,” said Franzen. “No matter what has happened in your life, each and every one of you has made the decision to choose a better life and a different identity.”
Benteh Nuutah Four Directions primary goal is to reduce the rate of substance use and improve services through promoting early access, family wellness groups, individual therapy and counseling, and an integrated treatment team approach. The integrated care teams support individuals on their healing journeys and assist inidivuals in developing a customized plan to help them walk a healthier path in life.Each participant is supported by a team of professionals who help empower individuals and families to take control of their mental health and substance use challenges.
“Remember where you came from and use it to help others, to inspire yourself and to inspire the people around you. You certainly inspire me,” said Franzen.
For more information, please call (907) 631-6300 or click here. Benteh Nuutah Four Directions Outpatient Treatment Center programs are available for all members of the community, ages 18 and older and offers a sliding scale fee for those who are eligible.