Who We Serve

We offer a wide range of health and wellness services for Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Anchorage and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and nearby villages.

Anchorage and Mat-Su Valley
Southcentral Foundation provides primary health and related services to more than 55,000 customer-owners in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley.
Full access to all services, including primary medical care, dentistry, optometry, complementary medicine, physical therapy, fetal alcohol syndrome prevention, substance abuse treatment, domestic violence prevention, diabetes prevention, suicide prevention, residential treatment for pregnant women, residential treatment for adolescents, psychiatry, mental health counseling, traditional healing, home health, health education, youth mentorship and Elder programs. Additional program eligibility criteria may apply.
Cook Inlet Region Villages
Chickaloon, Knik, Eklutna, Kenai Service Area, Ninilchik Service Area, Seldovia, and Tyonek.
Access to all Anchorage-based services. It is best to arrange an Anchorage Native Primary Care Center visit through your village clinic, but you may also contact the provider who visits your village. We support local primary care delivery by village providers through funding, consultation, and regularly scheduled on-site clinical services serving more than 5,000 customer-owners.
Anchorage Service Unit Villages
Nearby villages including Eyak (Cordova), Chitina, and villages connected with Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium, Copper River Native Association, Kodiak Area Native Association, Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Eastern Aleutian Tribes, and Chugachmiut.
Access to most Anchorage-based services. It is best to arrange an Anchorage Native Primary Care Center visit through your village clinic, but you may also contact the provider who visits your village. We support local primary care delivery by village providers through funding, consultation, and regularly scheduled on-site clinical services serving more than 10,000 customer-owners. The regions may purchase additional services from Southcentral Foundation. An advisory group, the Village Services Management Team (VSMT), serves as a liaison between the organization and Alaska Native representatives from the ASU villages. The VSMT reports directly to our board of directors.
The Alaska Native Medical Center is jointly owned and managed by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Southcentral Foundation, and includes both the hospital and the Anchorage Native Primary Care Center. Most of the hospital services are available to the entire Alaska Native and American Indian population of the state.
Access to a few Anchorage-based services. Southcentral Foundation provides consultation to other regional tribal health care organizations along with offering specialty women’s health, pediatrics, and dental health services and access to residential programs in Anchorage. Referrals for specialty care are made by the Alaska Tribal Health System’s network of providers located in village clinics, community health centers, and regional hospitals.
Outside of Alaska
Toll Free: 866-575-6757
Interviews are conducted over the telephone. Customer-owners residing in the Seattle-Tacoma area can request an appointment to meet with ANHRAP staff at a designated location.
Alaska Native Health Resource Advocate Program. Created in 1997, the Alaska Native Health Resource Advocate Program (ANHRAP) was developed to meet the information and referral needs of Alaska Native people in the continental United States. ANHRAP assists Alaska Native people identifying, locating and connecting with appropriate and available health, social, educational, legal, employment, disability, treatment, housing and other related programs and/or services.

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