Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance (T-SHIP)

What is Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance?

Tribes and Tribal health organizations now pay for health insurance for Alaska Native and American Indian people in Alaska who qualify. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) offers Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance in Alaska.

Will Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance cost me anything?

No. ANTHC pays the monthly insurance premium cost. Alaska Native and American Indian people also do not have to pay any co-payments or deductibles when seen or referred by Tribal health facilities.

Why should I have Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance?

Health insurance can help make more services available for you and all Alaska Native and American Indian people. Health insurance can also help you receive medical care when you are traveling away from Tribal health facilities.

How do I qualify?

T-SHIP employees will ask you and your family a few questions to determine if you qualify for T-SHIP. You may qualify if you:

  • Are an Alaska resident.
  • Are eligible for Indian Health Services.
  • Are not covered by or eligible for Medicaid, TRICARE, CHAMPVA, or affordable health insurance through an employer.
  • Are not eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A or enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B.

Does this affect my current Alaska Native health benefits?

No. You will always first and foremost be a beneficiary of Indian Health Service, Tribal hospitals, and health clinics throughout Alaska and the United States. Tribally-Sponsored health insurance is an added health care benefit. you should use the Tribal Health System to ensure that your health care needs are being met and that you are as healthy as possible.

For more information
