RFP 25-1150: Progressive Design-Build for ANPCC I, II, III Roof Renovations
Southcentral Foundation (SCF) is pleased to provide this public notice regarding the solicitation of detailed proposals from qualified Progressive Design-Build Teams for the design, supply, and construction of the roof replacement and renovations to the Anchorage Native Primary Care Center (ANPCC) I, II, III.
The Scope of Services is further defined and provided in the Exhibit A to this RFP. Proposers shall subcontract with other firms, if deemed necessary, to complete the tasks described in this RFP
RFP25-1150 Progressive Design-Build for ANPCC I,II,III Roof Renovations
- EXHIBIT D: SCF Modified AIA A141-2014 Sample Contract
- EXHIBIT E: SCF Modified AIA A141-2014 Exhibit A
- EXHIBIT F: SCF Modified AIA A141-2014 Exhibit B
- EXHIBIT G: SCF Division 1 02-10-25.pdf
- EXHIBIT H: Design Atrium Snow Shed.pdf
- EXHIBIT I: PCCI – 1997-2004 existing building drawings.pdf
- Available for pick up of thumb drive upon request
- EXHIBIT K: PCC3 Conformed Set 5-20-2008.pdf
- EXHIBIT L: SCF Design Standards Construction Standards -V1 (Working Draft).pdf
- EXHIBIT M: PCC I & 2 Roof DeficiencyR1.pdf
- EXHIBIT N: Reid Middleton Roof Evaluations 2023-2024 Reports.pdf
- EXHIBIT O: 2022-0520_SCF PCC II Conformed_DWGS.pdf
- EXHIBIT P: PCC I, II, III roofs in contract.pdf
- Addendum 1 – RFP25-1150 ANPCC I,II,III Roof Renovations
- Addendum 2 – RFP25-1150 ANPCC I,II,III Roof Renovations
- Addendum 3 – RFP25-1150 ANPCC I,II,III Roof Renovations
Request for Proposal Release date: March 7, 2025
Proposal Due Date: April 4, 2025 by 3PM Alaska time
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Bidders must register with the SCF Contact Person via email using the link below. Failure to register with the SCF Contact Person may result in the rejection of a proposal.